Buku Dasar Agronomi
The Growing Trend of Organic Gardening
The growing trend of organic gardening is a very popular choice for many people around the world. Organic gardening can be defined as using plants and other organic materials in a manner that does not cause any harm to the environment. When an individual chooses to engage in this type of gardening, they are trying to create a safer and healthier environment for themselves, their families and their pets. For many years organic gardening was thought to be quite expensive but today there are numerous methods that can be used to make organic gardening very affordable.
There are a number of benefits to utilizing organic plants over those that are grown using conventional methods. One of the main benefits is that there are no dangerous chemicals that are used during cultivation of the plants. One of the most notable instances of the use of chemical agents is in the process of planting seeds, which is often done at conventional nurseries. Seeds are often purchased from a local seed store and then planted into the garden soil using conventional methods.
Many people who begin organic gardening to do so because they are aware that conventional methods of planting seeds are filled with dangerous chemicals. These chemicals can often leech into the soil and contaminate the water that is used to water the plants. This can lead to the development of harmful bacteria in the water, which then cause serious damage to the local water supply.
A recent study by two University professors found that a certain variety of organically grown fish contained twice the amount of antioxidants compared to a similar sample of conventionally grown fish. In another study Professor Jones of St. George’s College studied the effect of a chemical pesticide on a number of goldfish. When the pesticide was added to the water in which the goldfish were kept the goldfish died all of a sudden. This startling discovery has led to questions as to why the chemical pesticide would have such an effect on the delicate tissue of the fish. There has also been a number of studies that have demonstrated the increased risks of certain types of cancer in humans who regularly eat organically grown foods. The same studies have shown a number of other health risks associated with eating conventionally grown food as well, including heart disease and Alzheimer’s disease.
Organic plants naturally contain a higher level of antioxidants than those grown with the use of chemicals. This is because plants naturally produce free radicals when they are stressed or attacked by insects or predators. Chemical pesticides have the effect of either neutralizing the free radicals or damaging them so much that they cannot be repaired. As a result, the antioxidants in organically grown crops are significantly depleted. This, according to recent scientific studies, has been linked to a number of serious health problems including higher levels of blood pressure, higher levels of cholesterol and lower levels of niacin in blood, kidney disease and prostate cancer.
Organic plants cannot be planted until they are fully grown. There are various factors which determine when a plant is ready for harvesting; these factors include the length of the growing season (growing period), whether the seeds are supplied by natural rainfall or seeds are sown by hand. Organic seeds do not require the same intensive and time-consuming preparation as those sown by conventional methods.
When it comes to the types of pests and diseases that can be present on plants grown with the aid of chemical fertilizers, there are several different classes of prohibited materials. Some commonly used pesticides include herbicides, synthetic pesticides, and fungicides. These are often included on organic gardens in order to control such pests as aphids, mealy bugs and ladybugs. Other commonly used materials which are prohibited in conventional methods include antibiotics, systemicotics and certain hormones.
A new trend within the field of agriculture is the growth of organic farming systems known as “miracle-gro” systems. Miracle-gro is the use of livestock or animals (usually poultry) to fertilize and feed a single bed of plants, eliminating the need for the use of chemicals on the plants. Organic farms utilizing the use of miracle-gro have reported less use of pesticides, herbicides and fungicides than on-farm crops. The overall effect of this method is that soil fertility is enhanced, soil microbial activity is increased and crop health is enhanced.
Organic Gardening and the Benefits of Growing Your Vegetables in an Organic Fashion
Organic plants can be beneficial to your garden and environment, but there are also drawbacks to growing them. A popular organic gardening debate is whether you should grow vegetables or fruits that have been grown with traditional techniques such as chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides. Some experts argue that growing vegetables that have had synthetic products added to them can be hazardous to your health.
In addition, some say that by growing plants the same way that they were raised in the garden, you are subjecting them to synthetic substances that have been proven over time to be harmful to humans. These substances include dyes, weed killer, and more. Some experts think that by planting your garden with organic fruits and vegetables, you are helping prevent synthetic substances in soil from polluting your water sources. Another way to protect your family from synthetic chemicals is to make sure that they do not get into the air when you are tending to them. This can be done by using good soil and compost.
Organic plants need plenty of nutrients for healthy growth. Fertilizers are available for these types of plants, but make sure you do not use the chemical-based fertilizers that you see on the shelves at the grocery store. Organic fertilizers are made from ingredients that are not harmful to humans and are safer than synthetic substances. If you are a gardener who grows your own vegetables, you might want to consider creating your own natural organic fertilizer. You can make compost using kitchen scraps, animal hair, and other natural sources.
Organic plants are grown without the use of synthetic pesticides. However, there are still some farmers and gardeners who use pesticides on their crops. Organic produce has fewer risks of toxins being absorbed by humans when they consume it. Many experts feel that people are not very likely to suffer pesticide poisoning from eating organically grown produce, so there is no real danger in consuming it. However, you should take special precaution if you are allergic to certain kinds of pesticides.
Organic plants are grown using conventional methods, meaning that they are not cultivated with the use of chemical pesticides and other artificial substances. These plants are harvested in the normal way with the help of machinery. Organic seeds, fertilizers, and plants are carefully collected and stored without any chemicals being added to them. Organic food is grown using natural methods so there is no risk of pesticides or other harmful chemicals being sprayed on the produce.
Some people argue that organic gardens are more prone to insect pest infestation than conventional ones because they are not sprayed with pesticides. In fact, there are organic gardens that have been known to be particularly pest-free because the pests do not survive in the absence of the pests. If you have difficulty eliminating a specific pest in your garden, there are many other methods that can be tried.
Organic gardening is not just about using natural pesticides and natural fertilizers to keep the plants healthy. It also includes practices that are beneficial to the environment and to people as well. Many advocates of organic farming believe that there are a variety of miraculous cures for a variety of ailments that are believed to be caused by toxins. These include everything from allergies to arthritis to asthma and even cancer. Miracle-gro is a natural cure for many types of respiratory problems that are believed to be caused by toxins. Organic farming is also credited with helping to slow down the aging process in many animals as well as helping to strengthen the immune system in humans.
Some organic methods of growing vegetables and fruits are more beneficial to consumers than other methods. When comparing plants you will need to look at several factors. First, you will need to look at the number of pesticides and chemicals that have been used during the growing process. In addition, you will need to compare how each type of plant has been treated. Finally, you will want to look at how the vegetables were grown and whether they were treated with organic methods before you make your purchase.